TPS - Five Dimensional Education

“ TPS enables and assists a child to educate, to develop intellectual pursuits, moral values, aesthetical, cultural and practical capabilities leading to free growth as a complete ‘human being' treasuring high order of behaviour and creativity”

Five Dimensional Education

The prime objective of any school is to make aware and decent citizens through distinguished and instinctive vision. A school develops the supreme assets and future human resources of the nation all the time. It enables and assists a child to educate, to develop intellectual pursuits, moral values, aesthetical, cultural and practical capabilities leading to free growth as a complete ‘human being' treasuring high order of behaviour and creativity. In accordance with “Osho's vision” of five dimensional education, revolution in the field of education can only be brought into existence by following five proposed dimensions. They are :

(i) Scientific Enquiry
(ii) Informative (Languages, History, Geography)
(iii) Art of creativity
(iv) Art of Living (Love and Humor)
(v) Art of Dying (Meditation and Spirituality)

Today's education system is biased and full of flaws. It is a confused one and confined to science and information only. Even arts and creativity are given lower preferences while art of living and art of dying are almost ignored. Love and humor together induce new rays of hope to live life well. However, meditation and spirituality lead to a lively and blissful life. Newer possibilities must be accepted wholeheartedly to save ourselves and the planet earth. Scientific inquiry is the process of active exploration using knowledge, imagination and reasoning.

Minimum three languages are to be learnt : Mother tongue, National language and English, the last one as an international vehicle for communication, creating universal brotherhood. The Third Dimension of education i.e. the art of creativity like painting, music, craftsmanship, pottery and masonry should be adopted to make the life meaningful. A man becomes the part of existence only when he learns how to create.

Art of living, the Fourth Dimension, is often ignored in the present-day education system. Love and humor are part and parcel of life. They are to be learnt and practised by every child to transform anger, hatred, malice, jealousy into love and affection.

The Fifth Dimension of education concerns meditation and spirituality which make the life complete. Meditation reveals the profound truth that there is no death; it makes human beings aware of an eternal life inside them. One should not dread death. Meditation acts as panacea leading humankind to Zen, to Tao, to Yoga to all possibilities that have existed.